阿奇·柯林斯 is president and chief executive officer of 坦帕电.
Collins has more than 30 years of experience in the energy industry. 他于1990年在新斯科舍省电力公司开始了他的职业生涯, 从那以后,他担任的职位越来越高. 加入澳门线上真人博彩官网公司之前, Collins served in leadership roles at Nova Scotia Power 和Emera Energy, as president and chief executive officer of Grand Bahama Power Co., and as president and chief operating officer of Emera Caribbean. 最近, he served as chief operating officer of 坦帕电.
Collins是一名专业的化学工程师,他持有St. Francis Xavier University和Dalhousie University的化学工程学士学位.
他是佛罗里达100人委员会的董事会成员, 佛罗里达州商会, Tampa Bay 经济发展 Council and Enterprise Florida. He also serves on the boards of The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, Florida 可靠性 Coordinating Council and Tampa Theatre.
卡洛斯Aldazabal is vice president of Energy Supply for 坦帕电.
自1999年加入坦帕电以来, he has held multiple leadership positions in areas ranging from 账户ing, 澳门网上真人赌博官网和人民天然气公司的监管事务, 投资者关系, 传输工程与运营. 最近, he served as the director of Transmission Engineering and Operations, 以及支持服务.
Aldazabal持有南佛罗里达大学会计学士学位和会计硕士学位. 他是一名注册会计师.
Senior 财务副总裁 and 账户ing and Chief Financial Officer
Blunden joined Emera in 2000 and has held financial leadership roles at Emera Inc., Emera Maine和Nova Scotia Power. 他在Emera业务的各个方面获得了宝贵的经验和行业洞察力, 包括公司融资, 业务发展, 实用程序操作, 客户服务, 可再生能源和监管政策.
最近, he was Emera's vice president of Corporate Strategy & 在此之前,他曾担任客户业务执行副总裁 & 新斯科舍省电力公司的金融服务部.
Blunden is a Chartered Professional 账户ant and a graduate of Mount Allison University.
玛丽安水银地震计 is vice president of Human 资源 for 坦帕电.
Cacciatore joined TECO after a lengthy career in human resources. 在2020年加入TECO之前, she served as vice president of Human 资源 for a satellite communications company. Her background also includes HR leadership roles in manufacturing, 金融服务和高科技组织.
她拥有南佛罗里达大学工商管理学士学位, and a master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Rollins College.
杰夫Chronister是财务副总裁, where he leads a team of professionals responsible for accounting, financial reporting and business planning for 坦帕电 and TECO Energy.
Chronister has served in several leadership roles in his more than 30 years at TECO, 包括澳门线上真人博彩官网的控制器.
1983年成为注册会计师, 他拥有斯泰森大学(Stetson University)的会计工商管理学士学位. He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Florida Institute of CPAs.
Chronister曾服务于许多社区组织, including the Shriners Hospital for Children and local Little League organizations. He is also an alumnus of both Tampa Connection and Leadership Tampa.
Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
本文作者克里斯•赫克是TECO能源公司信息技术(IT)副总裁兼首席信息官, in addition to his role as chief digital officer for Emera Inc.TECO的母公司.
赫克是一位成功的公用事业部门IT领导者,拥有超过35年的职业生涯. 在他的职业生涯中,他领导了数字化转型并建立了强大的网络安全项目. He is experienced in many aspects of the utility industry, 包括创造竞争优势, 并购规划与整合, 精益过程改进, 自动化, 数据分析, 产品和服务的采购和劳动力战略.
赫克在北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校获得了计算机科学硕士学位. He also attended Appalachian State University and Darden School of 业务.
Vice President 法律, General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
大卫·米. Nicholson是法律副总裁、总法律顾问和首席道德与合规官. 他负责法律事务, 联邦政府事务, 房地产,道德和合规.
在1999年加入TECO之前, Nicholson was a shareholder at the Tampa law firm of Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen. While at the firm, he represented Peoples Gas before it was acquired by TECO in 1997.
他获得了佛罗里达大学法学院的理学学士学位,并以优异的成绩毕业. Upon graduation, he was inducted into the Order of the Coif. While in law school he also attended the University of Glasgow, 苏格兰, 获得一年的扶轮大使奖学金.
尼科尔森是希尔斯伯勒县律师基金会的董事会成员,他是该基金会的前任主席. 他还担任坦帕湾历史中心和坦帕大学俱乐部的董事会成员.
佩内洛普面包干 is 坦帕电’s vice president of Regulatory Affairs.
Rusk于1997年加入TECO,担任经济学家,在监管活动方面拥有丰富的经验. Rusk has played a leadership role in rate cases, strategic growth and solar initiatives. 最近, she served as senior director of Regulatory Affairs.
迈克西维尔 is vice president of Federal Affairs for 坦帕电 and Peoples Gas, 新墨西哥天然气公司. 和Emera. He represents the companies’ interests in 洗ington, D.C.,与美国。.S. 国会,政府和联邦机构.
Sewell是一位在公用事业行业经验丰富的专业人士,拥有超过20年的经验和广泛的联邦事务知识. He joined TECO in 2020 after working at another utility. Prior to that, he worked on Capitol Hill with the Florida congressional delegation.
He has a bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Virginia.
Sewell is a board member of the National Energy 资源 Organization. He serves as a volunteer youth golf coach with the First Tee of 洗ington, D.C., and basketball coach with the Catholic Youth Organization.
史密斯是一位经验丰富的专业人士,在公共事务和政府关系方面拥有20多年的经验, 包括代表财富500强公司制定推进立法和解决监管问题的战略. 她于2022年加入TECO. 以前, she worked for two Florida gubernatorial administrations.
She has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Florida State University.
史密斯是佛罗里达CareerSource的主席. 她也是佛罗里达企业和佛罗里达反人口贩运联盟的董事会成员.
她于2017年6月加入公司,担任澳门线上真人博彩官网和人民天然气公司的客户体验运营总监,并在跨联络中心的更广泛的客户体验组织转型中发挥了关键作用, 客户账单, 信贷 & 收款和支付业务与IT部门合作, 电力交付和监管高级领导团队优化业务流程集成的优先事项,如高级计量基础设施(AMI)解决方案和客户关系 & 计费(CRB)系统的利用率和改进.
加入TECO前, Sparkman是埃弗雷特斯诺霍米什县公用事业区(PUD)的客户体验负责人, 洗.之前在科罗拉多斯普林斯公用事业公司工作. 她拥有the University of Phoenix的工商管理学士学位和Colorado Technical University的工商管理硕士学位.
克丽丝Stryker is 坦帕电’s vice president of Clean Energy and Emerging Technology.
Stryker负责监督该公司持续的太阳能扩张和新兴可再生技术的探索, such as battery storage and carbon capture and sequestration.
Stryker于1999年加入TECO,担任机械工程师. He has extensive experience in project development and management. He has successfully led multiple strategic projects, including the 大弯现代化项目. 最近 he served as senior director of Decarbonization and Major Projects.
他毕业于佛罗里达大学,获得机械工程学士学位. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Florida.
海蒂Whidden serves as 坦帕电’s vice president of 安全 and Security.
Whidden是一位 安全专家,在公用事业行业拥有超过二十年的领导经验. 她于2023年加入TECO. 以前, 她曾担任休斯顿Calpine Corporation的舰队安全运营高级主管, 德州.
惠登获得佛罗里达大学农学学士学位(主修环境经济与政策). 她还获得了 美国安全工程师协会(ASSE)安全管理认证,并完成了多个安全管理项目.
芯片惠氏 serves as 坦帕电’s vice president of Electric Delivery. Whitworth brings more than two decades of leadership experience to this role.
惠特沃斯的职业生涯始于澳门线上真人博彩官网,当时他是一名修剪树木的承包商,后来成为一名合作学生. He began his full-time career with the company in 2000 in Electric Delivery, where he worked in several departments before transitioning to management. 他后来在能源供应公司工作, 在那里他曾担任大本德电站的主任和Bayside和大本德电站的高级主任. He most recently served as the vice president of 安全 and Security.