As we make safety our top priority, we ask that you do the same. 请遵循这些 关键电气安全指南.
We balance our commitment to reliable service with the health of the 澳门线上真人博彩官网必须修剪靠近电线的树木. We're proud to have received recognition as a Tree Line USA utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation™, in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters.
澳门线上真人博彩官网服务的所有社区对澳门线上真人博彩官网都是平等的. 在大范围停电期间, our goal is to restore power to the largest number of customers in the shortest possible time. Severe weather can bring with it a lot of unpredictable factors, and we focus on safety – for our team members and you – above all else. 在澳门线上真人博彩官网的工作人员出去开始维修工作之前, we must make sure conditions are safe and that winds are safe to do so.
大面积断电时, 特别是在恶劣天气持续的情况下, we take a priority restoration approach to restoring service. 下面是它的工作原理:
- Electric service is restored to critical services facilities first – hospitals, 灾难中心和主要的警察局和消防站. 这 enables these places to help with other storm-related problems or injuries.
- 接下来是水和下水道的安装.
- 在那之后, we focus on communication service providers and facilities providing important public services such as supermarkets, 家居装修/建筑供应中心, 保险设施, 等.
- Then we repair electrical circuits that provide power to the largest group of customers, followed by the remainder of the circuits until the power is back on for all our customers.
It's possible that your neighbors' power may come back on while yours is still out. 因为风暴会造成大范围的破坏, crews might need to make repairs at multiple spots along a single electric service line. As repairs are completed, some customers may receive power while others may still be out of service. Sometimes, different customers have different service lines, even within the same neighborhood. 如果你和你的邻居在同一条服务线上, you may also have damage to your meter that is interrupting electric service to your home. 这 电气使用图 shows you what meter-related damage the customer is responsible for repairing and what 坦帕电 is responsible for fixing.
安全使用便携式发电机. 不要将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 把电器直接插到发电机上. Connecting a 发电机 to home circuits may cause power to flow to outside lines, 对修复人员构成生命危险. 也, portable 发电机s must NOT be taken into a residence or any enclosed space where deadly carbon monoxide gasses could build up. 还有其他设备, 比如逆变器, that can provide some emergency backup power for small appliances through an automobile engine. (注意:这不能在封闭的车库中进行.)
While some energized wires spark and snap, others may not appear dangerous. 总是假设倒下的电源线通电. 保持安全距离并打电话 911 或澳门网上真人赌博官网 877-588-1010.
Floodwaters can hide energized power lines or electrical equipment and other hazards, 或者让你有溺水的危险. Submerged electrical equipment can be extremely dangerous.
If you experience an electrical outage or you are disconnected for any reason, 请关掉所有电器. Remove any flammable materials from stove-top heating elements and other appliances that may activate or produce heat once electric service is reconnected. 如果您有任何问题,请访问 tecoaccount.com 或免费致电客户服务中心 888-223-0800 工作日早上7:30开始.m. 至下午6时.m.
Did you know that natural occurrences like trees and animals coming into contact with electric equipment causes more than half the outages that occur? You may experience one of the following two types of power outages:
A power outage lasting one minute or longer is usually caused by a problem in the electric distribution system between the power plant and your home or business. 当停电发生时, 坦帕电 will respond to the outage and make any repairs necessary to restore power.
A momentary interruption typically lasts less than a second and is commonly caused by a short circuit that results when something comes in contact with power lines: animals, 树木或其他电线. 如果发生这种情况, a breaker automatically de-energizes the circuit and causes a momentary interruption to your service until the problem is cleared.
It's important to understand that a momentary interruption lasting less than one second is the result of a safety device that is designed to automatically open the circuit to prevent damage that can lead to an extended outage. During Florida's hurricane season, outages may increase due to high winds and lightning. 以保持停机到最低限度, 坦帕电 inspects and clears away trees and limbs from power lines. 除了, 坦帕电 works with environmental experts to protect birds and other animals by researching new ways to prevent them from coming into contact with power lines.
Damage to your meter and other electric infrastructure – who’s responsible?
坦帕电 is responsible for any storm-related damage to the electric meter and service line. Customers are responsible to damage to the weatherhead, riser and the meter box. Should damage occur, you must call a licensed electrician to make repairs.
- 服务线: Carries electricity from neighborhood power pole to your home.
- 韦瑟: The rounded pipe on your roof that receives service lines.
- 立管: The pipe that contains service lines and connects your weatherhead to your meter box.
- 电表: Continuously records the amount of electricity in use in your home.
- 电表箱: Where your meter is mounted and encases the cable connection to your breaker panel.